Is it time for a spring cleanse?
Why should we do a cleanse in spring?
Spring is a great time to do a cleanse particularly after we’ve been breathing in poor indoor air quality, had less sunlight, and perhaps gotten less activity than usual. Many toxins are as close as the air we breathe and the foods we eat, which routinely harbor additives, preservatives and pesticides. The personal choices we make, including our consumption of sugar, caffeine, alcohol and tobacco, can add to our toxin load.
This is a great time to clear away toxins that clutter our bodies. We may not be able to see them, but we can sure feel them. These can compound their effects on us, disturbing the delicate balances in our bodies and causing stomach problems, allergic reactions, lowered immunity, headaches, joint pain, mental fog, anxiety, and irritability, along with other chronic issues. Much more worrisome, though, is that research is linking environmental toxins to obesity, metabolic syndrome and diabetes, autoimmune disease, cancer, and much more.
A spring cleanse and detoxification program offers us an opportunity to refresh and renew ourselves on every level. Detoxifying is the antidote and can spell increased energy, fewer allergy symptoms, reduced hormonal imbalances, improved digestion, clearer sinuses, normalized blood pressure, fewer moods swings, sharper mental ability, improved sleep, healthier skin and much more.
5 benefits you can expect from doing a gentle ‘spring cleanse’:
Weight Loss Happens! Toxins are stored in fat cells. When toxins are eliminated, so are fat cells.
Beautiful Skin is healthy skin. Toxins in the body can destroy our skin with pimples, etc.
Digestion Works! A clogged digestive system stops doing its job efficiently.
More Energy! As toxic waste leaves the body there can be increased
Brain is clearer. You’ll start to see improved concentration and mental focus–the results of a cleaner system!
How to choose a safe and effective cleanse?
It’s good to find a simple one to three week program that is easy to follow. It has to be medically safe and supervised of course. Picking a cleanse that gently eliminates toxins is very important. I would make sure to do your research before starting any cleanse and run it by your doctor, pharmacist or naturopath. We offer three different cleanses that have different benefits at our pharmacy. They range from first time cleansers to sensitive cleansers to a full detox cleanse for the expert cleansers.
In conclusion, the same way we do a spring house cleaning before summer, it’s important to do a body detox. It’s always good to eliminate certain foods such as Coffee, alcohol, simple sugars and carbs from our diet for a period of 2 weeks to give the body a break and a chance to re-energize. Drink more water to help eliminate the toxins, at least 2 litres per day is essential. A cleanse is great for your health and weight loss and now is a perfect time for one right before summer time.
For more information on spring cleanses and nutrition please contact Neda.